🔝 Top 6 NES Games Growing Up in the Philippines

A brand new year, a brand new series. I have seen a lot of top lists but I just want to share my top picks of a given topic as an individual who was born and raised in a province here in the Philippines!

I am limiting 1 title per franchise to give a wider selection of titles. Since I’m a Mega Man fan, I can’t just put all Mega Man games in my list. Why top 6? Well…

Top 10’s are everywhere and Top 5’s are also not rare.
You know what sticks? It is my Top six!

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6. Circus Charlie

Hearing the merry music of the first stage immediately nudges my nostalgia. Even if the game is just a simple one with 5 stages, I still have spent a good amount of time playing this game during my childhood. Jumping over the regular and blue monkey is still satisfying to this day!

5. Legend of Kage

When I was a kid, I got frustrated by this game. It is just so hard to beat and my weak little hands can’t keep up dodging all the projectiles. Stage 2 of this game gives me nightmares! Though I would want to restart the game back to the very beginning just to hear the opening music, before the princess got abducted.

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game

Hearing the title screen BGM is an 8-bit masterpiece! I was not able to see the actual arcade game where this game was ported from but I can just imagine how great it was because this port was just perfect! Given that this was in an 8-bit format, but the gaming experience is really an Arcade in your Living Room!

3. Mega Man 2

I’m a fan of this series but I believe Mega Man 2 is the superior of all the Mega Man games in the NES. Even though the Slide is not introduced to the title yet, but I feel the game is balanced that it will frustrate you because it is difficult but not too difficult that you can’t just beat the game.

2. Contra

Can you still remember the thrill when you learned about the Konami code? Immediately pressing the button combinations while being serenaded by the epic opening music that rumbles your living room and the explosion SFX that culminates it? The glee when you can see 4 medals under your player name instead of the dreadful 2. Feeling invulnerable with your 30 lives as you rampage through the stages and save the world from an alien invasion!

1. Super Mario 3

The very first game I finished was the original Super Mario Bros. No matter how many times I beat the game, I still play it over and over. I can vaguely remember the days when my parents left a 5-year old me in the Console Rental place in a Department Store here in our province. I know it’s very dangerous leaving a 5-year old kid unattended today, but that’s how we roll in the early 90’s. Older kids and teenagers will gather around me while they watch me beat the game with my fragile little hands working my way around the controller to maneuver Mario and do the 1-2, 4-2 warps.

Just imagine how thrilled I am when a third and perfect installment was released. My mouth was just open the whole time I played the game because the game I loved was upgraded a thousand fold!